Media coverage
My work on language interference in trilinguals' speech production has received attention in the Basque and Spanish media, including:
Radio Euskadi, La Mecánica Del Caracol (minute 31 onward)
Radio station Cadena Ser, Hoy por Hoy San Sebastián (minute 68 onward)
Radio station Onda Vasca, Gipuzkoako Kale Nagusia
Radio station Bizkaia Irratia, Lau Haizetara (see link at the bottom of this page)
My work on orthographic effects on Spanish-Basque bilinguals' speech perception has been widely covered in the Basque and Catalan media, including:
Radio station Onda Cero, La Brújula de Euskadi (minute 22 onward)
My work on heritage bilinguals' speech production has been featured in Neerlandistiek, a Dutch online journal on linguistics and literature.

Radio interview Bizkaia Irratia (in Basque)